UNSURE IF YOU’RE ENROLLED? Look for the LUSU Medical and Dental $392.07 charge on your Myinfo student account statement.
You need to input a valid value for field: Agree
You need to input a valid value for field: Student ID number
This Student ID has already made a change of plan for this session.
You will be able to change plan again after this date:
You need to input a valid value for field: First Name
You need to input a valid value for field: Last Name
You need to input a valid value for field: Gender
You need to input a valid value for field: Email
Student ID number | |
Plan Selected | |
First Name | |
Last Name | |
Date of Birth | |
Gender | |
Confirmation #
You cannot add dependants unless you have completed a part-time or graduate opt-in application and paid the necessary fee.
You need to input a valid value for field: First Name
You need to input a valid value for field: Last Name
You need to input a valid value for field: Gender
You need to input a valid value for field: Street
You need to input a valid value for field: City
You need to input a valid value for field: Province
You need to input a valid value for field: Postal Code
You need to input a valid value for field: Phone Number
You need to input a valid value for field: Email
You need to input a valid value for field: Campus
You need to input a valid value for field: Name of Program
You need to input a valid value for field: Part-Time or Graduate
You need to input a valid value for field: Domestic or International
You need to input a valid value for field: Home Province
You need to input a valid value for field: Coverage
The payment failed. Please try again in a few minutes.
If the problem persists, you can contact us via email
Sorry this Opt-In session is over.
Confirmation #
You need to input a valid value for field: Program
You need to input a valid value for field: Year of Study
You need to input a valid value for field: First Name
You need to input a valid value for field: Last Name
You need to input a valid value for field: Gender
You need to input a valid value for field: Address
You need to input a valid value for field: City
You need to input a valid value for field: Province
You need to input a valid value for field: Postal Code
You need to input a valid value for field: Phone
You need to input a valid value for field: Email
You must include a picture of your OHIP card
You must agree to the terms to continue
You need to input a valid value for field: Band Name
You need to input a valid value for field: Band Address
You need to input a valid value for field: Band City
You need to input a valid value for field: Band Postal Code
You need to input a valid value for field: Band Province
You must agree to the terms to continue
You need to input a valid value for field: Account Holder
You need to input a valid value for field: Transit Number
You need to input a valid value for field: Institution
You need to input a valid value for field: Account Number
You are about to opt-out of your benefit coverage.
This means your coverage you selected to opt out of will terminate and you will not be able to make claims.
This action cannot be reversed nor can you opt out later for an additional benefit or change the benefit you are opting out of.
Student ID number | ||
Campus | ||
Program | ||
Year of Study | ||
First Name | ||
Last Name | ||
Address | ||
City | ||
Province | ||
Postal Code | ||
Date of Birth | ||
Gender | ||
Phone | ||
Opt Out of | ||
Refund Method | Cheque Direct Deposit Refund will be credited to the student account | Band () |
If you wish to proceed with opting out of your benefit coverage, press Confirm. If you want to change details, press Previous.
If not, press Cancel.
Here's what what the errors say:
Confirmation #
Hello UNB Grads,
Welcome to your first year as a member of the WeSpeakStudent benefits plan.
Our team is excited to have you onboard and we want to ensure you get the most out of your health care.
This year has come with unprecedented changes and setbacks. Unfortunately, one of these setbacks is a delay in getting UNB Grads uploaded and active. This technicality means that you won't be able to submit claims or that your claims may temporarily be rejected until October 1st, 2023. You are still covered from September 1st, 2023, however, please hold onto any receipts or invoices you collect during the month of September so that when the systems are up and running normally, you may submit your claims and receive your reimbursements.
We understand the inconvenience of this situation and appreciate your patience while we navigate this issue.
Thank you!
students and employees traveling outside of Ontario on a approved activity of up to 180 days are required to purchase the following Travel Insurance.
You must purchase coverage from the day you leave Ontario to the day you return to Ontario.
To be eligible for this insurance:
If you are traveling for a period of more than 180 days, please email global.learning@senecapolytechnic.ca for guidance on how to purchase additional coverage.
Upon purchase:
For a list of exclusions, please click here
You need to input a valid value for field: First Name
You need to input a valid value for field: Last Name
You need to input a valid value for field: Phone Number
You need to input a valid value for field: Email
You need to input a valid value for field: Street
You need to input a valid value for field: City
You need to input a valid value for field: Province
You need to input a valid value for field: Postal Code
You need to input a valid value for field: Destination of Travel
Confirmation #
Thank you for your purchase. Your confirmation number is . Your travel card and travel brochure have been emailed to you. Please ensure you review the material before your trip.
The payment failed. Please try again in a few minutes.
If the problem persists, you can contact us via