Part Time Opt In

Student Opt-In

Part Time/Graduate Student Opt-In

Choose Your Plan

Dependent Opt In

Family Opt In

Opt Out

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Fall: September 1 - December 31
Winter: January 1 - April 30
Spring: May 1 - August 31
Please note that there is a blackout period at the beginning of each semester during which claims cannot be processed or reimbursed. Please keep your receipts in order to make a manual claim once the blackout period ends.


Only full-time students at the Belleville, Bancroft and Port Hope Campuses are eligible to receive coverage based on the terms of the Health Plan. Dropping a course may affect your status as a full-time student and, consequently, may impact your eligibility. To qualify as a full-time student, your course load must represent at least 70% of the hours of two-thirds of the courses required for the semester of the program in which you are enrolled.
Belleville Campus students with documented permanent disabilities who are registered with AccessAbility Services or verified through the Financial Aid Office (OSAP) are considered full-time students when they are registered in 40% of a full course load but will only be charged part-time Student Ancillary Fees. These students have the option to receive coverage if they choose to self-declare and pay all the same Ancillary Fees as full-time students. Visit for more information.

Student Health Plan Details

Group Name: Loyalist College Student Insurance Plan
Policy Number: 100011687
Group Number: 513979
Certificate Number: Your Student ID # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G
(10 digit alpha numeric number: your 9 digit student number plus the letter G)
i.e. If your student ID # is 9 digits, the correct ID # would be 987654321G

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